Oral Medicine, Diagnosis & Radiology

Diagnosis & medical management of diseases of oral & maxillofacial region

  • Oral mucosal lesions.
  • Muco-cutaneous lesions affecting oral mucosa.
  • Precancerous lesions affecting oral mucosa.
  • Facial pain, neuralgias & palsies.
  • Disorders of tempero-mandibular joint.
  • Disorders of salivary glands.
  • Oral manifestations of systemic disorders.
  • Medicolegal cases and Forensic odontology
  • Undergraduate teaching
  • Conventional imaging of head & neck region with special emphasis on maxillofacial pathologies
List Of Faculty Members & Others
Name Designation Phone Email
Dr.Guru Prasad Professor & Head 9805978877  
Dr Neeta Sharma Professor (D) 9816682077  
Dr Atul Chauhan Assistant Professor 7807459544  
Dr Shruti Pathania Assistant Professor (D) 86269-90280  
Dr Seema Bhoomla Lecturer (Deputed)    
  Smt Monika Thakur Radiographer    
  Smt Priyanka Thakur Radiographer    
  Mr Tikkam Ram Suman Dental Hygeinist    
  Mr Rajesh Peon